Google Document to download Try going green at home. Most of these ideas will save your family money, others will get you outside and keep you healthy.
Turn off Lights. Turn off Computers & TV. Turn down thermostat in Turn up thermostat in the winter. the summer. Turn down water heater. Put electronics on power Do an Energy Audit strips and turn off.
Keep electronics out of the trash. Check out resource recovery at: Replace incandescent with CFL’s. Recycle CFL’s at City Hall. Recycle batteries, plastic, glass and metal at ER Market St. Buy locally farmed and raised food. Play outside. Take walks in our Nature Center and our local parks. Adopt an Animal.
When your class completes 7 of these challenges, email and we will show case your class on the ERPS website as a Green Classroom.
Turn off Lights. Turn off Computers. Turn down thermostat. Put electronics on power strips and turn off when not in use Do an Energy Audit. Keep electronics out of the trash. Check out resource recovery at: Recycle paper. Recycle batteries, plastic, glass and metal at ER Market St. Take a nature walk. Pick up trash. Make a compost pile. For more ideas go to Grow plants. Plant a Tree. Plant a wildflower garden. Adopt a classroom Animal. Certify your habitat. Take the outdoor pledge